Department History
Serving the community since 1994
The Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department became its own entity in 1994 with the converging of the Mount Pocono Borough and Tobyhanna Township Police Departments. Tunkhannock Township joined in 1995, Coolbaugh Township joined in 1997 and Barrett Township Completed the Department in 2015. The regionalization of the four departments gave the communities the opportunity to utilize manpower to the greatest potential while maximizing police coverage.
The force began with 15 officers. Now, in 2021, 27-years later, it employs 43 officers within specialized divisions. These divisions include Detective, Patrol, Narcotics, K-9, School Resource Officer, Mountain Bike Patrol, Motorcycle Unit, Honor Guard and SWAT Team. The department covers an area of more than 238 square miles.
The Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department focuses on a proactive, community-based enforcement strategy. The department is always searching for additional technology, current patrol and enforcement strategies, and ways for the citizens to become more active in problem solving with our community issues.
Photo: Tobyhanna Township Police Department
Photo: Coolbaugh Township Police Department