Special Enforcement involves the following:
Aggressive Driving Details: The Pocono Mountain Police Department conducts state funded aggressive driving details to reduce speeding, aggressive driving and improve roadway safety. Currently, Pennsylvania Municipal Police are prohibited from utilizing Radar. Our officers are equipped with Tracker, VASCAR and ENRADD electronic speed timing devices.
DUI Checkpoints / DUI Roving Patrols: The Pocono Mountain Police Department conducts periodic Driving Under the Influence enforcement checkpoints to reduce DUI accidents. These DUI patrols are cooperative efforts with the North Central Regional DUI Task Force and the Highway Safety Network.
Mountain Bike Patrols: The Pocono Mountain Regional Police Bike Unit follows the department's mission statement by improving the quality of life for community members. The ability to hear directly from people and solve problems is what makes the mountain bike unit a great success. Currently we have 4 Mountain Bike Officers that periodically deploy within the community and during public events.
When a mountain bike officer is seen riding through a neighborhood, alley, or business parking lot it makes the residents, especially the young and elderly, feel more secure. Residents are also more likely to talk to officers when they are out riding their mountain bikes as it is the focus of the unit to have citizen contacts. These officers are able to build trust with all different groups in the diverse areas we serve. The bicycle unit is also utilized to patrol target areas and has the ability to respond to locations that a car cannot. One of the strongest enforcement aspects of the bicycle is the ability to approach crimes in progress without being seen or heard and to show the citizens we are entrusted to protect that we are capable and willing to accomplish the tasks at hand.
Motorcycle Patrols: In 2004, the PMRPD Motorcycle Unit was started. A 2004 Harley Davidson Road King Police edition was delivered and after an officer was trained in its use, the police motorcycle unit was in service. In 2018, the Department upgraded to two 2018 Harley Davidson Road King motorcycles. The bikes are equipped with full lighting, siren and police 2-way radio. The motorcycles are marked to stay uniform with the current vehicle fleet. The motorcycle is utilized for traffic details - apprehending motor vehicle code violators and is also used for details such as community events, funeral processions, escorts, sporting events and any other public relations functions. Since its inception, the motor officer has received significant feedback from members of the public in their satisfaction on seeing the motorcycle on the road and in their communities.